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6-night photography tour in authentic luxury Safari Tented Camps in search of the Big Five.

7 days

3990 €

5+ seats


13 June
19 June
Categorie Evento:


Kruger National Park
Sud Africa


Michele Bavassano
Sito web:



Tour informations:

Tented Camp

Book your seat now!

Day by day program:

What does the price include?


Leopard Kruger Area


Immerse yourself in the enchantment of wild nature with a photographic adventure that will take you beyond the ordinary. Introducing Manyeleti, a hidden jewel in the fascinating scenery of South Africa, where wild beauty dances in harmony with the authenticity of wildlife.

You don’t know it yet, but soon you will be among the foliage of this uncontaminated paradise, capturing the best kept secrets of African nature with your camera. Manyeleti, the “place of the stars” in the local language, awaits you with breathtaking landscapes and extraordinary encounters, ready to become the protagonists of your most unforgettable shots.

We invite you to unravel the mysteries of Manyeleti, explore pristine lands and be inspired by the rich biodiversity of this nature reserve. Your photographic journey begins here, among the shades of the African sunset and the call of wildlife, in a place that will soon be the stage of your most extraordinary memories. Get ready for an experience that will leave its mark on your soul and your shots. Manyeleti awaits you, ready to reveal its most fascinating side through your photographic lens.

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Luxury Safari Tents

Tour informations:

We welcome you to the authentic adventure of Manyeleti, where the essence of our journey will be wilderness, the freedom to explore and the magic of safaris.

At Home Among Nature: Luxury Safari Tents and Lodge Surrounded by Nature
You will stay in safari tents which, despite their name, offer unparalleled comfort. Private bathroom, four-poster bed, electricity and elegant African-style furnishings, all to guarantee you the right amount of relaxation and all the necessary comforts. Our four-star lodge will welcome you with a warm atmosphere, making you experience the authentic essence of South Africa.

Authentic Safaris: 12 Open Jeep Adventures
Immerse yourself in thrilling open jeep safaris, exploring the private Manyeleti Game Reserve. Here, you will be able to spot over 300 species of birds and more than 150 species of mammals, including the “Big Five” but also wild dogs and cheetahs! Each sighting will be unique and immersed in the wilderness, with the freedom to explore off-trail for authentic perspectives. Every day we will carry out two safari activities, morning and afternoon, interspersed with meals in the lodge and relaxation.

Freedom Without Constraints: Off-Piste and Flexible Hours
Private reservation means unrestricted freedom. We will be able to move off-track to capture unique details. In this area we will be able to leave the beaten track with our vehicle to try to get the most out of every sighting. This is a great benefit as one of the main regulations in Africa is usually “don’t leave the trails”. In addition to this, here there will be no gate times or anything else and we will be able to enjoy the flexibility of non-binding timetables. From dawn to dusk, exploration is limitless.

Rest in Nature: Swimming Pool and African Panorama
After a day of exciting adventures, we can relax by the lodge’s swimming pool, perhaps with an elephant just a few meters away. Our lodge will be a haven of serenity to reflect on the natural wonders you have just experienced.

Manyeleti is not just a destination, but an invitation to experience nature authentically. On this journey, your connection with wild beauty will be the unforgettable experience you seek.

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Luxury Safari Tents

Tented Camp

For those looking for a safari experience that combines luxury and authenticity, the Luxury Safari Tent is the definitive choice.

Electricity in the room
The safari tents we will use are equipped with electricity, giving you the comfort of charging all your equipment comfortably in your private area rather than in the common areas like in many African lodges. This will allow you to conveniently manage your batteries and have control of every detail.

Hot water 24/7
Hot water is not a given option when traveling in Africa. Obviously on this trip we won’t have any thoughts about this. Whether you want to take a refreshing shower after an adventurous safari or simply wash your hands, hot water will be available when you need it, all day.

Private and Spacious Bathroom
The bath is more than a convenience, it is a ritual of luxury. Spacious and private, it offers enough space to move freely. Masonry floors and well-kept details give a touch of elegance, making the bathroom a personal oasis of relaxation.

Canopy bed and mosquito net
Each tent in its minimal elegant furnishings features a comfortable canopy bed equipped with a large mosquito net. Another element that may be obvious but which will make your rest impeccable.

Wooden Patio: Relaxation with a View of Nature
Your private outdoor space. The wooden patio is the perfect place to relax in the middle of the day. Listen to the birds singing, observe African animals in their natural habitat, and let yourself be enveloped by the unique atmosphere of Manyeleti.

Luxury Safari Tents are more than accommodation; they are an experience, a way to experience nature without compromise but in an authentic way.


Luxury Safari Tents

Luxury Safari Tents

Luxury Safari Tents




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licaoni africa fotografia naturalistica

Book your seat now!

This photographic trip to South Africa will give you the possibility to photograph the biggest african predators, and experience an authentic and unique safari with the assistance of a professional photographer, while discovering the private reserve of Manyeleti.

Enter your email in the box below to receive all the information on how to register. Always check your SPAM box if you do not find our email.

For any other questions you can fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page or contact us via whatsapp by clicking the icon at the bottom right.

Day by day program:

DAY 1 Arrival in South Africa and first Safari

After your flight to Johannesburg, you will meet up with the group with whom you will share the domestic flight to the reserve. All flight details will be shared during the registration phase.

Once you land, a transfer will take you to the lodge where the staff will be waiting for you to settle you in the Safari Tents and for a quick lunch. In fact, after lunch we will immediately start with the safari activities, immediately experiencing the Game Drive in an open jeep. The afternoon safari will depart in the early afternoon and return at night. This will then be followed by a dinner under the stars and then an overnight stay.

DAY 2/7 – Full immersion Safari

The program includes a full immersion of activities. Every day the alarm will ring before dawn to prepare us for the first daily safari. A quick breakfast and straight into the jeep to begin our search! The safari will continue for approximately 3/4 hours and stops mid-morning to stretch your legs and drink a coffee. During the safari we will have at our disposal the experience of an expert local certified guide as well as the presence of a professional nature photographer expert in African fauna.

The return will be mid-morning and will be followed by a hearty breakfast and rest until lunch. In your free hours, you can rest in your tent, look at the photos taken in the beautiful common area or relax by the pool where, sometimes, even elephants come to drink.

Early afternoon, light lunch and departure for the second daily safari. Here we will spend all the hours available in search of the splendid African fauna. Here too, at the end of the photographic activities, we will stop in the savannah for an aperitif and to enjoy moments of relaxation in an earthly paradise, among unique sounds and smells.

We will then slowly return to the lodge, accompanied by the headlights of the jeep and the torch of our guide in search of some night sightings. Finally, once at the lodge, we will enjoy the evening under the famous starry skies of this area, in the silence of the savannah with our chef’s cuisine.

DAY 8 – Manyeleti/Johannesburg

Wake up before dawn, quick breakfast and departure for the last safari. Upon return, after the usual full breakfast, a private transfer will take us to Hoedspruit airport, from here a domestic flight to Johannesburg.

Greetings with the group and from here you can then take your return flight.

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What does the price include?


6 nights in a 4 stars Luxury tented camp

12 photo safaris

Assistance of a professional photographer

All the meals

Water and bush aperitif included

all transfers

Reserve entry fees

Open Jeep Exclusive use for the group

Coffee in the bush and aperitif in the bush

petrol and toll booths

Not included



Extra Drink and everything not expressly indicated in "the price includes"

michele bavassano fotografo naturalista

Michele Bavassano

Passionate about nature , he travels in search of the perfect shot, exploring unspoiled areas around the world . Through his camera he tries to share moments and emotions. Michele defines his photography “A search for art in nature”. He works as a professional photographer and offers events in the most interesting and important destinations in Italy and abroad. His images have been used by Discovery, BBC , ENEL and have been published in numerous magazines around the world. “In 2015 he participated in the FIAP Youth World Championship with the Italian team, obtaining 2nd place. Since May 2018 he is ambassador of the GITZO brand. He is currently one of the most followed Italian nature photographers on the web. He has collected collaborations with various brands such as “Canon”, “Gitzo”, “Swarovsky”, “Manfrotto”, “Wacom”, “Eizo”, “BenQ”, “Pluto Trigger”, “Scubla”, “Revolution Race “,” Easy Cover “,” Wise “,” Xp-Pen “, “Deer Hunter”, “Polyver” , “Lenz”, “Lens Coat”

Contact me for more information on the event

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